Sunday, August 19, 2012

and 3-monts later.....

This past Monday Sean had his 3-month post-op visit at the doctors office. Hard to believe its been 3-months. Those first few days in the hospital I was wondering if we had made the right decision, would he ever move again, would he be okay, could he get back to normal....I remember sleeping in a chair the first night and in the morning, I was complaining about how much pain I was in from the chair - and then I looked at Sean - and quickly retracted my thoughts - wow - I was thankful to be sitting in a chair, even with its discomforts....

When we first got to the hospital, the doc met with us and told us that after studying Seans records, looking at the Xrays, etc. that he felt that he needed to start a little higher on his spine at the base of his neck - which meant taking out the old hardware from his first surgery. Originally it was only going to be from below his old hardware down to the base of his spine and then pins anchored from the base of the rod out to both hips. We went with Sean to pre-op and waited with him while they did all the fun pre-op stuff. I think Dave and I were more nervous than Sean. Then around Noon, they said, okay, its time. They took us to the surgery waiting room, gave us a patient number for Sean so that we could watch the "board" to see what part of surgery Sean was in and gave us a buzzer (like the kind when you are waiting for a seat at a restaurant) in case they needed to call us from the operating room (really, that thought was kind of scary, but it was really just to keep us informed). When we went into the waiting room, it was packed. We found a nice corner to sit in and proceeded to wait. Watch tv, eat lunch, brought some work with me, doze, etc.... As the day went on, there were less and less names on the "board", people began to leave.... we continued to stay and wait and wait. Around 6:00, the doc came in to tell us that Sean had done great with surgery. That they were closing  him up and we would be able to see him in a few hours - we finally saw him at 8:30 for just a minute, and then finally in his room at 10:30. Doc explained that everything went fine with removing the old hardware, and all the new hardware was in place. Said that further down the road Sean will need to have another surgery on his neck to correct some bone issues - but nothing to worry about now. Said that some of the bones on his spine were good and strong, while others had some degeneration and some a lot of degeneration. All in all, amazed the kid wasn't in more pain than he was before surgery. Or, perhaps, he just masked it well so that he could play sports and go on a mission and do what others his age do. Some people have asked me why he didn't have his spine taken care of before going on a mission. At first I didn't have an answer for this - we had always known he'd need another surgery, but thought it would be early 20s or so. Prior to going on a mission, Sean had a physical and was ok'd for a mission. We didn't take him to a neurologist before his mission. As I think about this now, and if someone would ask me why he didn't have this taken care of before his mission - I now know the answer. If he had had this surgery before his mission, I'm not sure he would have been able to go on a mission. Sean's mission President had told us when Sean came home that for some a full time mission is 2 years, for others it may not be. For Sean, right now, his mission was 6-months well served and honorable. He said Sean was an awesome hard working missionary and shared the gospel with those in his area. He told us when and if he is able to return, he will be welcomed back to Roseville to continue on. Just a few weeks ago, I received an email from the wife of Sean's first ward mission leader telling me how Sean was truly needed in their area when he was there. That there were people that Sean taught there, that needed Sean to teach them. There was a time and a place for everything - and Sean's time for his mission was needed right then and there. She said he was a great example and was so thankful for having him there and serving his mission where he was most needed. So... now if you asked me why I didn't take Sean to a neurologist before his mission, the answer is because his Heavenly Father needed him to be where he was at the time he was there. So for now, Sean was able to serve a wonderful full time 6-month mission. What the future will hold in this area - is up to our Heavenly Father and his guidance with Sean and what is best for Sean - and when and how it is best for Sean.

Now.... back to the hospital story....The first few days were the roughest. Sean spent most of his time asleep or vomiting. And, I mean VOMITING.... a lot, all the time. It was extremely concerning. But, after a few days, this was better controlled to just a few times a day. The first time the Physical Therapist came in to get him out of bed, I thought, uhhhhh...... he is pretty much comatose, do you really think you are going to get him up - and yes indeed, she was able to get him into a sitting position on the side of the bed. The next day, she got him to stand and walk to the chair in the room. I could see that he was more encouraged at this point - as was I. Yeah - he can move, he can walk. (Really, I was very nervous that he wouldn't be able to.)

We spend about 4 days in ICU and 4 days in a regular room So far, he's racked up a nice bill of $267,000 - so not quite the 6-million dollar man - he could be the quarter of a million dollar man.... And yes, thank you to a wonderful insurance plan that paid almost all of this. (notice, I said almost - but with a bill of $267k, I'm not complaining about our co-pay). I'm amazed at how the recovery has gone over the past few months. The first few days at home, we continued to work on pain management, more vomiting, moving around easily- Sean even scored a new bed since his old bed was not new-rod-in-back friendly. We had a great home health nurse that would come and check on Sean every few days to make sure things were going well. Sean of course didn't care for having a home health nurse - but for me and my peace of mind - and questions and concerns, it was nice to have someone checking on him. We had a few scary days where we had more non-stop vomiting, but fortunately, once again we were able to get that into control. Was very thankful for friends who checked in on Sean and who visited to help keep his spirits up and encouraged him. Special mention to Matt who spent his 10-day military leave here visiting. And, also to Ethan and Brittany for coming and spending their work day's off here as well to visit. And, again to all those who called, visited and asked about Sean numerous times during his recovery. Mission President and mission friends who called or sent emails. And, a surprise visit from David Grow a few weeks ago - former Normal Ward member - who moved to Roseville and was in Seans mission area. Thank you's to all!  Friends and Family really are the best way to help someone heal from surgery. Sean's has a great support of friends and family from all over calling, emailing, texting and checking on him.

Yes, this is very long winded, but a lot have asked how things are going, so thought I'd do one long "catch up" on whats going on.

3-months out the doc says Sean is doing well. But had to remind him that he had major major surgery that takes time to heal - in fact takes at least a year for the bones in his back to complete their fusion. Reminded him that he shouldn't be twisting, jumping or doing anything crazy. His body still has to heal and that takes time - and in this case, a lot of time. However, he can start doing things - like very short bike rides to work up his muscles - and yes, even fishing is good - because the casting helps to rebuild the muscles in his shoulders and back - wow - who would have thought that fishing could be pt. Although - playing soccer or lacrosse - probably not such a great idea - but eventually - maybe six months to a year out - perhaps a little. Doc had to remind Sean that this isn't an overnight - "Ta-Dah, you are all better", but instead, each month gets better and where 3-months ago, you thought you'd never walk again, now 3-months later you are moving and able to do things you struggled with a month ago.All and all - things have gotten better. Sean has had to relearn how to do things. Most of us think tying our shoes is not big deal - not so easy for Sean right now because he can't bend over to do it - and one of his hips is not strong enough yet to bend at the knee and pull his foot us to a chair to tie. So the remedy for this ..... boots. So now, he just slides into a sweet pair of "cowboy" ropers and doesn't have to tie them. Also, Sean is looking at going to LDSBC in Utah this winter. When we went to the doc last week, the doc said by winter he should be okay going out to school - and should be able to do the walking he will need to do on campus - but also reminded him, this may tire him out easily - so he will need to plan classes and locations accordingly. But - hey a year from now - things will be even better.

What we've learned - healing takes time and patience. Something this major doesn't heal overnight or in a few months - its a good year before feeling better and than time after that to feel really good. We learn new ways to do things, we learn our limits. We learn that we can stretch a bit. We learn that we can serve each other in ways that we don't always expect to. We learn that you are never to old for Mom to stay up all night in your room and watch Duck Dynasty, or be there to hold the "vomit bucket" while watching Duck Dynasty. We learn to know what real pain is and what selfish complaining is (thats for me - I really felt bad for complaining about the uncomfortable chair that I slept in the first few nights in the hospital - and then I looked at Sean - and knew I had nothing at all to complain about.) We learn that our Heavenly Father is always watching over us and has a specific plan in mind for us - and that we need to listen to that guidance - even when we don't understand the why's, we need to humble ourselves a little more. My Sean is a rockstar in my eyes. I love him forever and then some.

And now... yes, you know it, I have some pictures....... Sean Authorized pictures.... (ok, maybe some weren't authorized, but I'm sure he is okay with it)  I saved all the pics showing them the right way, but when I uploaded they are all turned the wrong way.... ick...

I call this, I'm too sexy for my slippers....

just waiting for surgery to start... he just wanted to go under as soon as possible.

This is how Sean spent most of his first few days.

The old hardware.... in the Biohazard bag.....

More comatose Sean...

And sleeping with his iPad... this was a life saver for him - able to watch movies on the iPad...

Thats a lot of hardware... Thus why it will take a while to heal.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Going under the knife.....

It has been a while since I updated the blog, so I thought I'd bring everyone up to date. I was teasing Sean the other night that it was almost Mothers Day and I would get my Mother's Day missionary call....except for the fact that he is home, but I told him he could call me anyway so that I felt like I got the Mother's Day call, except  for the fact that he will be in the hospital on Mothers Day and will have just come out of surgery 2-days before instead, he will have his "mommy" right there with him tending to him....

After Sean arrived home we talked to a few people and had a great recommendation for a spinal doctor (thank you so much Brother Dr. Harvey). We found that a great deal of Sean's pain was due to the fact that his curvature of his spine had become worse. His curve had progressed to a 51% curvature, his ribs were rubbing against his hip bones - as well as causing pain in his legs, headaches, arm aches etc.... funny how all things somehow connect to parts of our spine.... yes, i know, duhhhh. Actually, I found a really cool website that shows which each area of your spines controls.... but didn't save the page so I can't link it here.

On May 11th, Sean will be going under the knife.... (insert scary music here.....) Not sure who is more nervous, Mom or Sean. They will be exploring T8-T12 to check his previous surgery area. He will have a fusion from T12 to his pelvis, as well as in the L5-S1 region, they will be replacing a disc that does not appear to exist any longer. From his Spine School Book, here is the info on "What is Lumbar Spinal Fusion? Lumbar spinal fusion is a surgery that joins together two or more lumbar vertebrae. The procedure can be performed using a variety of approaches -from the front (laterally). A general surgeon is needed for surgery performed anteriorly. Lumbar fusion is performed to stabilize the spine and reduce pain caused from spinal disorders such as spinalstenosis, spondylolisthesis, scoliosis,degenerative disc disease, fractures and tumors. Lumbar spinal fusion is accomplished with the use of bone grafts and/or spinal instrumentation. Bone grafts are materials that fill the gap between two bones and encourage the body to grow new bone which will fuse them together. Spinal instrumentation can include screw, rods, plates and interbody cages or spaces." (yeh, I think that last part sounds cool - interbody cages) So, my bionic son will get even more bionic - almost like Steve Austin, (no, not the wrestler) the original Steve Austin, the six million dollar man....Maybe I can be Oscar and send him on secret missions - or maybe just back to California to complete his mission..... or maybe only time and healing will be answer to the mystery questions of the universe - as in "what's next after this". As far as healing time is concerned, there is no clear answer - it is different for every person and every situation..... so, the answer to the question, what's next? is... only time will tell. (Hey, I think that's a song by Asia) Yes, I am getting distracted.... Now... what would my blog be without pictures... This time, they come in the form of xrays....

The circled area in the bottom of the pic above is where there is suppose to be a disc.... however,  there is not one, I guess... I can't read xrays, but this is what we are told.

Xray 1 - quite similar to Xray 2 below, but without numbers...

Xray 2 - You can see the hardware from his first surgery from 5th grade. This second surgery will take over the lower portion. We're taking bets on how many inches of height Sean will gain with straightening up the lower portion.

We are down to T-13 and counting. Yesterday was the 2-week to surgery day. I'm sure over the next two weeks the nervousness will pick up, but we are ready.... 

Saturday, February 18, 2012

We interrupt this regularly scheduled program.....

....or Welcome Home Elder Simmons, Pt 1

This past week we welcomed Elder Simmons home for a brief interruption in his mission to Roseville California. Back in early December, we received some calls from the mission nurse and then most recently more calls from the mission nurse and the mission President as to Sean's health. Unfortunately, he has been experiencing some extreme pain in his back, arms, knees, etc.... During the past few months he has seen some doctors and physical therapists on his mission, however, after a lot of discussion with the area mission doctor, the mission President and the mission doctors in SLC, it was determined that the best course of action would be for Sean to return home for a while to receive some more dedicated health care with some specialists here. So.... we welcomed him home on Monday, Feb 13th - not exactly the Valentines Day gift I was hoping for, but what a wonderful gift it has been to see him. [Flashback 10 years ago..... Sean underwent a anterior/posterior spinal fusion surgery on his upper spine to treat congenital scoliosis when he was in 5th grade. He spent about 10 days at Johns Hopkins hospital in Baltimore for the surgery and initial recovery and then a few months at home before being able to go back to school. At the time, we were told his lower spine would eventually need to be fused as well or he would experience more issues with his back and the internal organs that his lower curve would crowd.] So, how were we to know that this time may be now rather than 2 or 3 years from now. We have an appointment with the spine specialist on the 29th and then also with an internist on the 5th. Hopefully, they will be able to determine a course of action that will alleviate the pain Sean has been experiencing, and allow him to get back to Roseville as soon as possible. His mission President assured us that he was very much needed there as soon as he was well.... So, we have now begun Operation Get 'Em Home (phase 1 complete), Get 'Em Heathly (in progress) and Get 'Em Back to Roseville (to be completed). We've really appreciated the prayers and fasting on Sean's behave. I really tried to deny the fact that his health was compromised and really prayed that he would be able to stay. However, we are sometimes reminded in life, that we are not in charge, sometimes our Heavenly Father has other plans because he knows what is best right here and right now.

And, since we all know I love pictures... here are a few from the airport the other night....

One of our welcome home signs detailing the Plan of Action....

Brothers patiently waiting....

Our first glimpse of him ....

He sees the family, and the welcoming committee (and big thank you's to the welcoming committee who joined us at 10:00pm on Monday night. You all Rocked!)

There he is.....

My handsome Missionary! and his very excited little brother. 

We love you Sean.... so sad that you have to experience an interruption in your mission, but we are so happy to see you and help you get healthy again. You still totally rock awesomeness!

Monday, January 23, 2012


We received some new pictures from Sean today! Of course, I have no captions, names or anything to add with the pics, but here they are! Love seeing pics of Elder Simmons.....this was a nice surprise in the mail today!

Tie Rack!

Sean's Hair is quite like the birds.... lol

Hmmm... Elders Checking Themselves out in the Mirror.

This picture belongs a fews pics ago - when they were carrying axes....

Now thats a nice stash of candy.

I believe this is probably the Ward Mission leader and his family for the ward in Citrus Heights. But not  sure...

Monday, January 9, 2012

1st Transfer!

As of tomorrow Sean has been on his mission for 5 months - can you believe it? In one month, he will have completed 1/4 of his mission. Time goes by so quickly - but also so slowly!

He went through his first transfer last week and today was the first email we've had since he transferred. I've added a little bit of the email below:

Im in Marysville California. Address is 1210 E 22nd #107, Marysville Ca, 95901. Send it there!!!!! lol. My new comp is an elder from centerville utah. The area is pretty great. we have around 10 or so investigators which is way awesome. also 2 baptismal dates. One man who lost his wife about a year and a half ago, starting asking his daughter questions and now is getting baptised jan 28th, the other is a 14 year old boy who is slowly changing for the better, getting baptised feb 4th, we set that date the day i got here... . it will be interesting. The area is very large, we cover marysville and the neighboring town of linda. as well as about 45 mins north and 45 mins east. we're in a car.... its another toyota corolla, not a fan. We need JEEPS! president isnt to open to us getting them though. But the members here are pretty great, had some awesome dinners last week and some great ones lined up this week. Our ward mission leader is awesome as well. I hit 5 months on the 10th, then 6 months on the following. Thats pretty crazy to think about. Other than that its been fun. Love ya guys!

I had to laugh when he suggested they have Jeeps as their mission car.... Hmmm.... can't see that one happening. He will have to be happy with the toyota - which is way better than no car. As always, I love the emails we receive - especially since last week I received such a short email to say he was being transferred. I have put in another request for pictures.... hmmm, we'll see how soon my request from him is granted!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Just 5 more days until the phone call!!!

Was very excited to have a great email from Sean today. Was quite anxious to hear from him - last week wasn't the best week for him, so was anxiously awaiting this weeks email - and it was a great one. Here is what's going on in Sean's World....

Hola! so whats up. We werent in many homes last week and not many things were happening. But just before we got here at the library we picked up a new investigator and we even commited him to baptism which was cool. He had a dog that took over elder stricklands attention unfortunatly so i had to take control. I now know that i could handle taking over in these stuations which is good news. Tomorrow we're also probably going to pick up at least one more investigator. Its a part member family who are trying to get back into the church and the wife said im not officially a member YET.... KEY WORD!!! So were definitly going to pick her up as an investigator tomorrow which is great. Meaning things will finally start happening in the area again. After Jones leaving things kinda slowed down. Ive gotten the package from Aunt Sherlye, its hiding at the owens until christmas day where we will open it. For the christmas call. I will probably call at around 12 or 1 our time. Ill probably send your phone a text that day just to let you know when. This week has been a little different. Monday was a half pday and i went on exchanges with the Zls which was fun. Pday is still the same day just cant always email cause the library is closed on monday. Also district meeting was cancelled which usually happened on tuesday from 10:30 to 12. Then we have what is called christmas run on friday where we and another zone get together at 9 in the morning and hang out and do christmas things and so on. Saturday is a normal day however it will be hard to do work with it being christmas eve. Sunday is a full pday, however its sunday so we will still be dressed up and all. Hang out with the owens most of the day. We have dinner at the trumbells which will be a big meal. Thats mostly our week so a lot to look forward to. Thats pretty awesome to hear that about haidan. I miss the little guys. Look forward to hearing from them thats for sure. Everything is just very exciting right now. Cant wait to hear from you guys.!!!!

It is always so exciting to get an email or letter from Sean. Yes, its true on Monday's I wait for the email to chime! And - this week, I am on major countdown for Christmas Day ..... yes, excited for Christmas, but more excited to talk to SEAN! Wahooo, I cannot wait! Now, if I can only make sure I don't cry while talking to him....but if I do, I will make sure he knows that its because I am so excited to talk to him!!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

We Survived the First Holiday .....

We made it through the first Holiday with Sean away from home....okay, maybe I should re-phrase that.... I made it through the first holiday with Sean away from home...although we really missed having him here - and the house was quiet with just 4 of us - we all survived. Sean spent his Thanksgiving with a few families in his current ward and sounds like he had a nice time. Thought I would add some excerpts on the past few emails we've received from him:

Nov 29, 2011
Thanksgiving was a lot of fun for us. We ate at the trumbells for thanksgiving which was a ton of food and then hung out at the owens for the rest of the evening. Kevin will not be getting baptised the 17th, his kids however will be baptised the 16th. TWO weeks away!!! very exciting, whats also very cool is i was asked to do the baptism so thatll be a first. btw yes i have recieved the letters and the package. Thank you so much for that!! .... So i dont really know how the call home works but as soon as i know ill let you know. Im pretty sure it will be happening at the owens though so you may get to talk to them as well.

Yes.... very soon we get to talk to Sean... I CANNOT WAIT!! I am the Mom that has always talked to him everyday, texted a million times, etc.... and it has been so hard not having that instant communication with him... but I am learning!

Nov 22, 2011
....So transfers happened so its now official, me and strickland are companions in the van maren ward. For thanksgiving were going to the owens and the trumbelss. Were basically going to be at the owens all day and were going to the trumbells at 5. So that will be fun. I really dont know what i want for of you guys ofcourse. A tie or two. Not skinny though just a regular tie. I really enjoy the stocking stuffers you know that, I dont want you guys to go all out though. Foucus on the boys and use what you would put into me on getting the boys ... Church movies and sountracks to them would be nice. Like the best tw years sountrack i would like. Anyways love you guys and miss you a ton as always !!!!!!

Nov 7, 2011
Yes i cant explain how bad last night sucked. thats when jones left. like it really stunk. but yes im with elder strickland now who is from kissimee florida. yes i get along with him very well so the next 2 weeks will be fun. elder roley who was his comp got et'd to rockland because some other missionaries got moved around as well. hahaaha, haidan cracks me up. he definitly knows what to say..... lol. yes its weird, ive been saying i have little brothers who are 7 and 9 but soon it will change lol. it must be very exciting for him. its a pretty big deal. [he is referencing an email conversation we had on Haidan's upcoming baptism] keep me posted on how everything goes. its really hectic right now, all our investigators are either not wanting to visit right now or just simply wont read the book of mormon, but they are slowly getting closer. the youth here are pretty cool. the stake youth actually just put on a play called savior of the world fri sat and sun. we werent sure how good it was gonna be but it actually was really good. a lot of talent and great singers from our ward alone.

We love hearing from Sean - and hearing about his mission. I've put a request out for more pictures, so hopefully he will send some again soon!

And of course..... if you are wanting to write him a letter or mail a Christmas message to him, please do so! He would love to hear from you! His address is listed on the right side of the blog.